Modulbau: Planning Portable Layout

  • I've been designing a small 122cm x 122cm n scale layout to run my trains on. I got tired of running them on the carpet around an oval :cursing: . So, I wanted this layout to be small enough so I could easily take it with me wherever I move. It will be furniture grade, so it will have a drawer to store trains, a drawer for controls, wood stained fascia, etc. Also, I'm working on a folding leg system, so I can roll it around, and set it up as a table wherever I please.

    Being in architecture school, I decided to use a non typical program to design a train layout. I decided to use Rhinoceros, a 3D modeling program. I chose to use Kato Unitrack as it is modular, and drew up all the radiuses, straights, and turnouts. Then, assembled a track plan. Using forced perspective and larger landforms, I was able to separate the layout more, and create multiple viewing scenes. I can attach photos of the model and you will be able to see basic building forms, the landscape, and the benchwork.

    Now, I do have a few questions.

    -Given the track plan, I was wondering how many circuit breakers to install on the layout to protect other elements. Also keep in mind, I plan to have simple signalling with track occupation with Viessmann and MicroScale systems. I also want to ensure the longevity of the layout and its electrical reliability, so I'm soldering feeders onto every track piece. (I know, its overkill =) )

    -In the controller drawer, there will be a Digitrax Zephyr with a programming track mounted on the surface. There will also be a switch control panel. I want to use LED indication, but I know I can't use DPDT switches otherwise it will burn out the Kato switch motors. And I'd rather not use a momentary switch connected to the DPDT's to prevent the indication being opposite.

    -I will also attach a wiring diagram for the signalling system that I believe should work. It is pretty busy, but only one of the modules is wired. Now, it isn't necessarily prototypical blocking, so it has intermediate "buffer" sections after each block. I didn't want a train coming up to a signal and it still being red because its tail end is still in the previous block. I also felt that I could use a manual signal controller to control only the yellow aspects, and have it override the red or green aspects. Please let me know what you think.

    Now, feel free to give me any critique, as I'm only starting the framing and base. Don't hold back at all, I'm from architecture school, and I'm used to receiving harsh criticism. (And I've seen some on here :P ) I will be putting the highest amount of detail I can into this little layout, as it is my first, and have been doing extensive research. So please, enjoy!

    Admin by Dieter: übergrosse Bilddatei als PDF umgewandelt

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Dieter
    Nun sollte das öffnen des Beitrages besser gelingen.

    Ha ha und ich dachte ich hatte ein Virus erwicht; wenn ich versuchte das erste Bild zu öffnen hat mein Mac Book nur noch geblinkt und ich musste es wieder starten.

    Seien Sie vorsichtig und bleiben Sie Gesund.

    Eric (Analog Fahrer)und Seit kurzem auch Digital Anfänger ;)

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